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AlwaysFree: Singapore Environment Minister: We Are Not In Hurry To Ban Plastic Bags


Singapore, the island nations that consider fighting against climate change as a national defense, said that the country is not in a hurry to ban single use plastic bags as the bags burned in a waste to produce energy. The Sustainability and Environment minister that have just recently appointed, Grace Fu, said that in an online event that in reason of the country burns the plastic waste to produce energy, the value of banning plastic bags would be different than the other countries.    

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long said last year that the climate change is a matter of life and death, an existential threat to the country and fighting against climate change is as important as national defense, so the country devising S$100 billion (US$73 billion) to fund a plan to safeguard the city from rising temperature and sea levels.  

As the country is still pursuing plastic recycling efforts, Fu said that a “bottle-to-bottle” recycling cycle that retains the quality of virgin plastic after being processed will create new jobs and put the country in a position to export its solutions. Singapore had recycled 4% of the generated plastic waste of 930,000 tons throughout last year, the National Environment Agency data showed.

Tags: All Plastics,AlwaysFree,Asia Pacific,English,Singapore

Published on August 14, 2020 6:10 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on August 14, 2020 6:10 PM (GMT+8)